ATMO 611
Satellite Data Applications

Principles and practices of satellite remote sensing as used in the atmospheric sciences, specifically clouds, aerosols, precipitation, ocean and land cover datasets from various satellites.

Dr. Jennifer D. Small Griswold


After completing this course you will understand the principles and practices of satellite remote sensing as used in the atmospheric sciences, specifically clouds, aerosols, precipitation, ocean and land cover datasets. Students will develop skills to enable them to select suitable data sources related to their research and thesis interests. These skills include data manipulation, analysis, and visualization using Matlab. During this course they will have the opportunity to work on a research related literature review and group-based projects to increase their ability to utilize satellite data sets in their research/thesis work. You will need to spend time working on lab assignments and a course project using Matlab (or the programming language of your choice, see Dr. Griswold if using something other than Matlab). Use office hours for assistance and guidance.

PHONE: 808-956-3636
OFFICE HOURS: Tues-Thur 10:30-11:30 or by Appointment


Click on the links below to download the Course Syllabus in your preferred format.

Lectures & Readings

Click on the image above to go to the Lectures page to download lectures in PPT or PDF and the Readings in PDF.

Labs & Final Project

Click on the image above to go to the Lab Assignment and Final Project page to download the assignments.