Dr. Griswold is a dedicated teacher and thoroughly enjoys teaching both fundamental undergraduate courses and advanced graduate courses. Dr. Griswold teaches undergrduate and graduate level courses including: ATMO 101: Introduction to Weather and Climate, ATMO 102: Pacific Climates and Cultures, and ATMO 611: Satellite Data Analysis. In 2017 was honored with the Chancellor's Citation for Meritorious Teaching. Click on the link below to learn more about the courses she usually teaches view syllabi and learn about ones she has in mind for development!


Dr. Griswold's reserach focuses on clouds, aerosols and climate. She is particularly interesed in warm cumulus clouds, precipitation formation, coastal stratocumulus drizzle processes and cloud strucutre, and continental cumulus - aerosol interactions. Dr Griswold uses a Phase Doppler Interferometer (PDI and PDI-FPDR) to study cloud structure and properties in cumulus and stratocumulus. She has participated in projects all over the world including the Caribbean and Africa! She also uses satellite remote sensing to study clouds and aerosols from space!


Expanding Your Horizons - Hawaii at STEM conference for young women in 6th-8th grade takes place annually on the third weekend of April. Studnets engage in hands-on workshops in science, technology, engineering and math led by Honolulu, Hawai'i's top scientists, engineers, and specialists. It is designed to foster young girls’ enthusiasm for STEM careers, inform them of professions and opportunities, and encourage them to continue their studies in science and math to reach their goals and objectives. Learn more here about how to volunteer and get involved in our next event!


    Interviews & ViDeos

    Check out Dr. Griswold's comments on how increase your chances of winning an Outstanding Student Presentation Award at AGU's Fall Meeting in the short video: "5 Tips from OSPA"